5. Each applicant shall pay to the board of examiners the sum of
five dollars, and to the register of the board seventy-five cents
G, No person shall be entitled to receive a warrant as a first-rate
Id s S
1853, c 214, s 1
Fee paid by
pilot, unless he shall have served at least five years as an apprentice
to the business of piloting.
y. Every pilot shall renew his warrant of license every year in
Id s 6
1853, c 214, s 1
Who entitled to
warrant as first-
rate pilot.
the month of April or May; and no renewals shall be granted at any
other time, or new license applied for, unless the pilot has been car-
ried to sea or confined by sickness, so as to prevent his application
within that period; and the board may renew any license or not, as
they may think proper.
Id s T.
18S3, c 214, s 1
Warrants, when
8. Every first-rate pilot shall pay two dollars, and every second-
rate pilot shall pay one dollar and fifty cents, and every third-rate
pilot shall pay one dollar, to the register of the board for such re-
Id s 8
185d, c 214, s 1.
Fees on
renew al.
9. The board of examiners shall not grant to any person under
the age of twenty-one years, a warrant or license generally known as
a first-rate branch
Id s 9
1851, c 214, s 8
Minor not to
have a first-
rate branch
10, The board of examiners may increase or decrease the num-
ber of pilots, as they may deem necessary for the protection of the
commercial interests of the State
11. Every member of the board, before he proceeds to examine
any person applying for a warrant, shall take the following oath be-
fore some justice of the peace: I, ————, do swear that I will im-
partially examine and inquire into the capacity, skill, and experi-
ence of the applicant or applicants in the art of piloting in the
Chesapeake bay, and the rivers thereof, and will admit them as I
find them qualified, or reject them if I shall find them unqualified,
without favor, affection, or reward
Id s 10
1853, c 214, s 8.
Board may increase or de-
crease number
of pilots
Id s 11
1853, c 214, s 2
Oath of board.
12. It shall not be lawful for any person to act as pilot, notwith-
standing his having obtained a warrant as aforesaid, unless he or
the company to which he belongs, shall keep one sufficient boat of
at least twenty -six feet keel, straight rabit and decked, and well
Id s 12
1853, c 214, E 4
Pilot to keep
found, under the penalty of one hundred and fifty dollars for every
vessel such person shall undertake to conduct or pilot.
13. No pilot shall make any demand to pilot any vessel, unless
he shall have a branch or license to the destined port of said vessel,
and the name of every boat and the place she belongs to shall he put
on her stern, and on her mainsail and foresail, in large letters.
Id s 13
1853, c 214, s 4.
Name of boat
and place to be
put on the stern
and sails
14. If any person not having a warrant as a pilot, shall take upon
himself to conduct or pilot any vessel bound from any port in this
State to sea, or coming from sea and bound to any river of this
State, and to any port thereof, he shall forfeit one hundred and fifty
dollars, and shall also be liable for all damages occasioned by his
Id s 14
1853, c 214, s 5
Penalty for act-
ing without
undertaking to conduct or pilot any such vessel; but this prohibition
shall not prevent any person from assisting any vessel in distress, if
such person shall deliver up such vessel to any pilot who shall come
on board and offer to conduct or pilot such vessel; and the pilot
To what prohi-
bition not to