Baltimore, one of which shall be printed in the German language,
and one newspaper in each county having the largest circulation, if
there be a newspaper published in said county.
2. A certified copy of every public general law made to take
1865, c 31, s 4
effect as aforesaid, shall be transmitted by mail, by the secretary of
To what news-
papers certified
the Senate (if the same originated in the Senate), and by the chief
copies of public
general laws to
clerk of the House of Delegates (if the same originated in the House
be sent
of Delegates), to such two daily newspapers of the city of Baltimore,
and one newspaper in each county, having the largest circulation (if
there be a newspaper published in said county), as the president of
the Senate and the speaker of the House of Delegates may respec-
tively designate for publication, as provided in the first section of
this article.
3. The treasurer, upon the warrant of the comptroller, shall pay
1868, c 67, s 5
to the publishers of the newspapers in which the public general
Payment to
newspaper pub-
laws are printed in conformity with the first section of this article,
the compensation to which they may respectively be entitled for
printing said general laws, within six months from the time of pub-
4. Every public local law, made to take effect before the first day
1870, c 274, s 2
of June next after the session at which it may be passed, shall
1872. c 410, 1874,
c 32 What pub-
immediately after its passage be published, once in each of three
lic local law s to
be published,
successive weeks in such newspapers of the respective counties in
and when
which it may operate as the county commissioners may direct, and
in case any such law is to operate in the city of Baltimore, then
once in each week for three successive weeks in such daily news-
papers published in said city, as the mayor thereof may direct, and
the mayor and city council of Baltimore and the county commis-
Cost, how de-
sioners of the several counties shall provide for payment of the
expenses of such publication. This section shall not apply to
County ex-
Washington County.
5. A certified copy of every public local law made to take effect
1865, c 31, s 3
Certified copies
as aforesaid, shall immediately after its passage be transmitted by
of public local
laws to be sent
mail, by the secretary of the Senate (if the same originated in the
to appropriate
Senate), and by the chief clerk of the House of Delegates (if the
county commis-
sioners, etc, for
same originated in the House of Delegates), to the county commis-
sioners of the county or counties in which the same may operate, or
to the mayor of the city of Baltimore, if the same is to operate in
that city; and it shall be the duty of the said county commissioners
and mayor, upon receipt of such certified copy, to have the same
published as provided in the preceding section.
6. The preceding two sections shall not apply to Dorchester,
1870, c 105, c.
174, c 274
Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties.
Counties ex-
7. Whenever, in pursuance of the fifty-fourth section, of article
1870, c 281, s 6
three, of the Constitution, any act of the General Assembly, au-
Certificates of
publication of
thorizing a county of this State, to contract any debt, or obligation
laws authoriz-
ing loans, etc,
in the construction of any railway, canal, or other work of internal
by counties
improvement, or to give or loan its credit to, or in aid of, any asso-