THE object of the present work is to present such a view of
the Public General Laws of the State, as will enable the prac-
titioner and student to ascertain with certainty, and little labor,
the alterations ana additions made since the adoption of the
Code of 1860; and the articles and sections of the Code and
supplements, including the acts of the General Assemblies of
1872 and 1874, now in force; together with the decisions
of the Court of Appeals, construing the same, included in the
reports from 21st to 41st Maryland, both inclusive.
The work has been divided into two parts. In the first
part, under their appropriate heads, are noted all the additions,
alterations and amendments, with the articles and sections re-
pealed since the adoption of the Code in 1860, to, and inclu-
ding the acts of the General Assembly of 1874; with refer-
ences to such parts of the Public Local Laws as are connected
therewith. In the second part, similarly arranged, are pre-
sented the articles and sections of the Code of 1860, together
with the additions and amendments made by subsequent
enactments of the Legislature, and in force at the date of the
present publication; with references to the decisions of the
Court of Appeals, construing the articles and section! of the
Code and supplements, and acts of Assembly previous thereto;
together with the acts of 1872 and 1874, as found in the vol-
umes of reports above referred to. The appendix contains
references to the decisions included in the same volumes, con-
struing the public local and private laws.