1870, c. 384 enacts that Whereas, the total amount of taxes paid for school pur-
poses by the colored people of Queen Anne's county, during the years eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-five, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and eighteen hundred and
sixty-seven, was not set apart for, and applied to, the purposes of founding and
supporting schools for colored children, as then provided by law, but was paid over
to the board of school commissioners of said county, and by them applied to the
support of schools for white children; therefore, the county commissioners of said
county are hereby authorized, at their next annual levy, to levy upon the taxable
property of said county such sum. of money as shall be equal to the sum of the taxes
paid by the colored people of said county, for school purposes, during the years eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-five, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and eighteen hundred
and sixty-seven, and misapplied as aforesaid, to be paid to and received by the
board of school commissioners of said county, and to be by them applied in the
exercise of their best discretion to the founding and support of schools for colored
children in said county.
Approved and in force April 4, 1870.
See public local laws, Article X, Dorchester county, sub-title sheep and dogs, ante
p. 317, for the act of 1870, c. 189, entitled an act to provide for the protection of sheep
and for re-imbursing owners of sheep for damages sustained by them in the killing
or injuring of sheep by dogs.
1870, c. 313 incorporates the town of Sudlersville as follows:
163. The town of Sudlersville, in Queen Anne's
county, is hereby incorporated, and the inhabitants
thereof are a body politic by the name and style of
" the Commissioners of Sudlersville, " and as such may
sue and be sued, and may have and use a common seal
and may alter the same at pleasure.
1870, c. 318, s 1
164. All persons who have resided within the cor-
porate limits of said town for six months, and who are
entitled to vote for delegates to the general assembly,
shall, in said town, on the third Monday in April,
Ibid. s. 2.
Legal voters.
annually, elect three persona, residents of and holding
real property in said town above the value of three
hundred dollars, commissioners.
Election of