que trusts, or other persons, for past acts, defaults, or
omission of duty.
Sub-Sec. 2. That upon passing such decree as men-
tioned in the preceding section or at any time there-
after, on the motion of any person interested in the
further execution of said trust, where the character of
the trust requires the appointment of another person as
trustee in the place of the discharged trustee, the said
Ibid s. 2
court shall appoint some suitable person to act there-
after in execution of said trust ; provided, nevertheless,
that where any person shall be in the same trust as
a co-trustee, satisfactory evidence shall be produced
before the appointment of a substituted trustee that
such co-trustee had actual notice of the proposed ap-
pointment of such new trustee and full time to be
heard in relation thereto.
Approved April f, 1870.
Court to ap-
point new
Clerks of Courts.
35. Clerks empowered to administer oaths.
1870, c. 295 repeals section 35 and re-enacts the same with amendments:
SEC. 35. The clerks of all the courts to which jurors
are summoned shall administer to the sheriff the oath
required to be taken by him on his returning a panel
of jurors, and the clerks of the several courts of this
state, and their deputies, are hereby empowered to
administer oaths upon all legal papers for file in their
respective offices upon which affidavits are required by
Approved and in force April 4, 1870.
1870, c 205
Clerks empow-
ered to admin-
ister oaths.