part of such lands shall lie; and on receipt of such
copies by the clerk of such court, it shall be his duty
forthwith to docket and index the said bill and other
proceedings in his chancery docket, and to record the
same as though said cause had originated in his court.
Approved April 4, 1870.
Duty of clerk.
1870, c. 450 further repeals and re-enacts section 60 as follows:
60. In case of the lands of any deceased person which
may lie in more than one county, or in the city of Bal-
timore, and one or more counties, becoming liable to
the payment of his debts, or where lands may have
been mortgaged which lie in more than one county or
in the city of Baltimore and one or more counties,
then all such lands may be sold under a decree of the
court of that county or of the city of Baltimore, in
which the proceedings to sell the same shall be first
commenced, and in such case a copy of the bill, decree
and trustee's report of the sale shall be sent to the
clerks of the proper courts where such lands may
respectively lie, to be docketed, indexed and recorded
as hereinbefore proved.
Approved April 4, 1870.
1870, c. 450
When lands of
decedent are
partly in one
county and
partly in an-
1870, c. 370 repeals and re-enacts section 136 as follows :
138. In all cases where a trustee has been appointed
by will or deed to execute any trust, and any person
interested in such trust shall make it appear to the
court that it is necessary for the safety of those inter-
1870, c. 370.
ested in the execution of the trust that the trustee
should give bond and security for the due execution
of the trust, the court may order that such should be
given on or before such day as the court shall name ;
and if the bond, with such security as the court shall
approve, be not given by such trustee, then the court
may remove such trustee and appoint one in his stead,
Trustee under
will or deed
may be requir-
ed to give bond.