60. Town Incorporated.
61. Property, &c., of village vested in cor-
52. Bounds.
63 Election of town commissioners.
54. Judges of election oath
55. Notice of election.
5C Vacancies among commissioners.
67. New election in case of tie.
58. Commissioners' oath.
50 Meetings of commission.
60 Election of president and appointment
of officers.
61. President's duties.
02. Clerk- oath duties.
63 Bailiff: proviso: oath bond.
64 Treasurer bond duties.
65 Assessors oath: duties meetings to
hear appeals,
on Streets, &c.
67. Levy.
68. Commissioners to fix the rate of taxa-
69. Public ground, in whom vested: pro-
70. Bailiffs to collect taxes. neglect, &c.,
to pay taxes.
71 Commissioners to pass ordinances, &c
opening of new streets: appeal to circuit
court: proviso.
72. Pay of officers, &c
73. Officers to continue till successors ap-
79. Number and boundaries of election
districts places of voting.
98. Town incorporated.
99. Property vested in corporation.
100 Bounds.
101. Commissioners, when and how elected
102 Judges of election oath.
103. Notice of election.
101 Vacancies among commissioners.
105 New election in case of tie.
106 Commissioners' oath.
107. Meetings.
108. Election of president and appoint-
ment of officers.
109 Duties of president.
110. Clerk, oath duties
111 Bailiff proviso oath bond.
112. Treasurer bond: duties.
113. Assessors, oath, duties: meetings to
hear appeals.
114 Streets, &c.
115. Levy.
110. Tax lists.
117 Bailiff to collect taxes in case of re-
fusal, &c., how payment enforced.
118. Commissioners to pass ordinances:
open new streets. right of appeal to circuit
court proviso.
119. Pay of officers, &c.
120. Present officers to continue till suc-
cessors appointed.
138. Number of justices and constables.
162. Gates to be removed from public
roads penalty for neglect.