25. Banking associations, how formed
existing banks.
26. Powers granted.
27. Capital stock in city of Baltimore .
certified to comptroller.
28. Capital stock in state: certified to
29 Board of directors, vacanny.
30. Number of directors, their qualifica-
31. Articles of constitution.
I. Votes of stockholders.
II. Directors must be stockholders.
III. No one to be a director in two banks:
annual statement to stockholders.
IV. Semi-annual statement to state trea-
surer to be published, verified by affida-
V. Amount of issue.
VI. Oalh of officers.
VII Debts not to exceed capital proviso,
in cases of excess, directors personally lia-
ble, unless they give notice.
VIII Quorum for transaction of business.
IX. Dividends. directors liable, unless
they give notice.
X. No emolument to directors, pay of
XI. General meetings how called.
XI I. Cashier, &c., to give bond.
XIII. What real estate may be held : pro-
XIV. What bank may deal m; proviso as
to temporary investments.
XV. Bills, &c., signed by president bind-
ing without seal negotiable and assigna-
XVI. Shares transferable.
XVII'. To whom loans shall not be made :
capital stock deemed personal estate.
XVIII. Public notice ol annual election.
XIX. Oath of stockholder before voting :
vote by proxy oath : proviso.
XX In what funds to make payments.
XXI Tax on capital stock for free school
fund how collected and charged.
32. In case of non-payment of notes, &c.,
by bank. Interest may bo recovered.
33. Rights of creditors.
34. Distribution of assets in case of sus-
35. Stockholders liable to the amount of
their stick.
36. Existing banks may avail themselves
of these provisions.
37. Suspension of business.