of land thereto appurtenant, in a line with the Brewerton Channel, in the
Patapsco River, in this State...............................................
To enable the Vestry of Saint, Thomas" Parish, in Baltimore county, to
hold money in trust for certain religious and charitable purposes, con-
nected with the Protestant Episcopal Church in America, or with said
To declare the sanction of the General Assembly of Maryland to the bequest
of Catherine Morton, late of Calvert county deceased, to the Vestry of
St. Paul's Parish in said county
To give the assent of the Legislature of this State to a bequest in the will of
Susan A. Goodwin, late of Charles county, deceased, to the vestry of
Trinity Parish, in said county
To compensate Charles J. M. Gwinn, William F. Maulsby and Bernard
Carter, Commissioners appointed by the Governor to prepare drafts of
laws pursuant to the provisions of the forty-eighth section of the third
article of the Constitution of this State............................................
To authorize Tench Tilghman, his heirs or assigns, to erect a bridge across
the head waters of Town Creek, at Oxford, in Talbot county................
To declare the sanction of the General Assembly of Maryland to the bequest
of Victor Thomson, late of Washington county, deceased, to the "Trus-
tees of the Presbyterian Church of Hagerstown, " in said county
To pay Elizabeth C. Dorsey, of Frederick county, widow of Vachel W.
Dorsey, who was a soldier of the war of 1812, from the State of Maryland,
an annual pension of eighty dollar; ", during her natural life.................
To grant to certain Soldiers and Widows of Soldiers of the war of 1812, a
pension of eighty dollars per annum, to be paid in quarterly instal-
To authorize and direct the State Librarian to subscribe for a sufficient
number of Simon J. Martinet's large maps of the State of Maryland, to
furnish each school house in the State, not already supplied therewith,
with one copy of said map..........................................................
To appropriate a sum. of money to pay John Stevens Sellman, of Anne
Arundel county, for his services as -an elector of the senate of eighteen
hundred and thirty-six........................................
To repeal the act of eighteen hundred and sixty-four, chapter two hundred
and sixty-seven, providing for a State subscription to Wingate's Mary-
land Register, and to re-enact the same with amendments....................
To authorize the President, Managers and Company of the Baltimore and
Yorktown Turnpike Road to run cars for conveying passengers on the
Sabbath day, commonly called Sunday.......................................
To empower the present or future Vestry of Zion Parish in Prince George's
county to sell and convey St. Mark's Church, commonly called Paint
To sanction a grant of land from the Reverend John Chew to Saint Paul's
Parish in Prince George's County....................................
To empower the Chesnut Hill Iron Ore Company of Columbia, Pennsyl-
vania, to hold lands in the State of Maryland ———......... ——...................
To appropriate a sum of money to compensate Dr. James Higgins for a
work of his, published by order of the Legislature, for the use of the State.