65. There shall be the following number of justices
of the peace and constables in Somerset county, to wit:
for election district number one, four justices of the
peace and three constables; for election district number
two, two justices of the peace and one constable; for
election district number three, four justices of the peace
and four constables; for election district number four,
two justices of the peace and one constable; for election
district number five, one justice of the peace and one
constable; for election district number six, two justices
of the peace and one constable; for election district
number seven, two justices of the peace and one con-
stable; for election district number eight, three justices
of the peace and three constables; for election district
number nine, one justice of the peace and one constable.
In force and approved March 3, 1868.
1868, c. 80.
Number of jus-
tices and con-