1868, c. 119 enacts the following: That the mayor and councilmen of the city of
Cumberland be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to purchase within
the limits of said city not exceeding thirty-three acres of land, to be conveyed to the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company upon condition that said company shall, in a
reasonable time after such conveyance, erect thereon a rolling-mill for the rolling of
railroad iron, or upon such other conditions as may be agreed upon between said
mayor end councilmen and said Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company.
That the mayor and councilmen of said city be, and they are hereby authorized
and empowered to issue coupon bonds of said city to an amount not exceeding thirty
thousand dollars, in such denominations as to them may seem best, payable at a
period or periods not exceeding ten years after date, at the option of said mayor and
councilmen, with interest not exceeding seven per cent per aunum, payable
semi-annually from the date thereof, which said bonds shall be signed by the mayor
and attested with the corporate seal, and countersigned by the treasurer of said
city, and said coupons, after maturity, shall be receivable for corporate taxes.
That the said mayor and councilmen are authorized and empowered to sell said
bonds at not less than par, and to apply the proceeds thereof to the purchase of such
real estate and right of way as said mayor and councilmen may determine, for the
purpose of conveying or having the same conveyed to the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company for the erection of a rolling-mill thereon, and other like improve-
ments, connected with the use and equipment of said road.
That the said mayor and councilmen shall have power and are required from time
to time to levy such special taxes upon the taxable property of said city as may be
necessary to meet the interest on said bonds, and to pay the principal at maturity,
or when, and to such extent as the said mayor and councilmen may determine in
the exercise of the option above given.
1868, c. 27 repeals and re-enacts section 69 aa follows:
69. It shall not be lawful for any person in Alle-
gany county to impound any horned or black cattle,
sheep or hogs, unless the same shall be found trespass-
1868, c. 27.
horned cattle,
ing within an enclosure, enclosed by a good and sub-
stantial fence at least four and a half feet high.
In force and approved March 30, 1868.
Height of
1868, c. 358 authorizes Hanson Willison, as late sheriff of this county, to convey
real estate sold under fi.fa. situate in Grantsville as in said act provided; and to
proceed in the matter of the ratification and confirmation of said sale precisely as is
provided in the Code of Public General Laws, Article 85, sections 10, 11, 12 and 13, in
regard to the ratification of sales under execution from a justice of the peace.