for the election of commissioners of said town of
Bloomington, by sections one, two, three and nine of
this act, and if a majority of the votes cast at the elec-
tion held under the authority given by this section
shall be for the acceptance of this act, or if a majority
of votes cast at said election shall be against the accept-
ance of this act, the said judges of election herein pro-
vided for under this section, shall make out a correct
list of all the names of the persons voting at said elec-
tion and certify under oath the result of said election
to the clerk of the circuit court of Allegany county, to
be by him recorded in said office. If a majority of the
votes cast at said election shall be for the acceptance of
the act, then and in that event the said act shall be in
full force and effect, but if a majority of the votes cast
at said election shall be against the acceptance of this
act, then and in that event the said act shall become
null and void and of no effect.
Passed and approved March 80, 186S.
For or against.
1868, c. 410 enacts that Samuel M. Haller, T. B. Davis, Nimrod Allkire, Thomas
Carskaden, Roland S. Dayton and Aquilla B. McCarty, be and they are hereby
constituted and appointed commissioners, with full power and authority to contract
for the building of s bridge over the Potomac river, provided the navigation of said
stream be not interfered with or obstructed at such point near the mouth of New
creek, as they or a majority of them may deem most suitable end convenient, on
such plan as they or a majority of them shall adopt as most practicable, and are
likewise authorized to receive and collect contributions and subscriptions sufficient
to enable them to pay for such bridge.
That said commissioners or a majority of them, are hereby empowered to acquire,
by purchase or otherwise, such lands as may be necessary to construct the abutments
for said bridge, as well as to secure the right of way for roads leading from the
county roads so as to enable all species of travel to reach said bridge.
That after the completion of said bridge, the county commissioners of Allegany
shall appoint a committee of three persons (one of whom shall be an engineer) to
examine said bridge, and if said committee shall report that in their judgment said
bridge is built in a substantial manner, then the commissioners of Allegany county
may, in all future time, keep said bridge, together with the abutments and approaches
in said county in good repair as other bridges and roads are kept in repair, and that
said bridge shall forever be free for all species of travel.