1868, c. 459 enacts the following and repeals all acts inconsistent therewith:
1868, c. 459, s 1.
Town incorpo-
SEC. 1. The citizens of the town of Bloomington, in
Allegany county, shall be constituted and made a body
corporate by the name of the commissioners of Bloom-
ington, with all the privileges of a body corporate, and
to have a common seal and perpetual succession. '
Ibid. s. 2.
Election of
2. The male white citizens of Bloomington, afore-
said, of the age of twenty-one years and upwards,
being citizens of the United States, who have resided
in said town for and during six months next preceding
the first Monday in May next, eighteen hundred and
sixty-eight, may, on that day, at the place designated
by the three judges appointed as hereinafter provided,
in said town, and on the first Monday in June, in each
and every year thereafter, at such houses as thereafter
shall be designated by the municipality, be authorized
to elect five commissioner for said town, who also shall
have resided within the limits of the same six months
next preceding the election.
Ibid. B. 3
Judges of elec-
3. A justice of the peace for the time being, holding
office in said town, shall appoint, by writing, under his
hand and seal, three judges to hold the first election,
who shall keep the polls open from nine o'clock in the
morning until five o'clock in the afternoon, and shall
conduct the said election in the same manner in which
the judges of elections have been directed to conduct an
election for delegates to the general assembly, by all
acts passed at the January session, eighteen hundred
and sixty-seven, relating to holding of elections, and
the said judges shall make return under their hands
and seal of the persons elected, to the clerk of Alle-
gany county, to be retained by him.
Ibid, s 4.
How elections
4. All future elections shall be held and conducted
as shall from time to time be directed by the laws of
the corporation, the same not being inconsistent with
the provisions of this act or laws of this state.