treasury shall be made defendant thereto and the attor-
ney general shall appear for him, and like proceedings
shall be thereupon had as are provided for in the two
preceding sections of this act; but no execution or
attachment shall issue against said comptroller, but
he shall report the judgment against him if any be
obtained to the general assembly, if then in session, or
at its next session, in order that the payment of the
same may be provided for by law.
151. Any of the parties to the said proceedings
herein before provided for shall have the right to
appeal to the court of appeals from any judgment of
any of the courts heretofore named; and upon such an
Ibid. s. 4.
Right of appeal.
appeal being prayed the record of the said cause shall
be forthwith transmitted to the court of appeals if then
in session or to the next term thereof if not in session ;
and the said cause so transmitted shall be placed upon
the special docket of the said court, and shall be heard
and determined at the first session of the said court
after the transmission of the said record as aforesaid.
In force and approved March 30, 1868.
NOTE—The above law was prepared by Messrs. Gwinn, Maulsby and Carter, Commis-
eroner appointed by the Governor to draft laws, under section 48 of Art. 3 of Const. See
notes, pp. 19, 22, 98.
1868, c. 152 exempts from all state and county taxes and charges whatsoever for
ten years from March 20, 1868, the structure of the Maryland and Virginia Bridge
Company over the Potomac river, between Shepherdstown and Washington county,
and which lies in this state. 1868, c. 272 exempts from state and city taxation the
real and personal property of the General German Protestant Orphans' Association
of the city of Baltimore; provided, the assessable property of said association does
not exceed in value $100,000.