and the county commissioners and the said collectors
shall have all the powers of other collectors.
Levy for com-
75. The county commissioners and the mayor and
city council of Baltimore shall levy upon their respec-
tive counties and the city of Baltimore within twenty
days after collectors shall have been appointed, such
commission as will, in their judgment, insure a speedy
collection of said taxes, not exceeding five per centum
on the amount to be placed in the hands of said col-
Calvert county.
lectors for the counties for collection, except in Calvert
county, where it shall not exceed six per centum, and
not exceeding two per centum on the amount to be
placed in the hands of said collector for the city of Bal-
timore, said commission to be levied for the use of
such collectors respectively, and to be collected as other
charges are collected.
In force and approved March 30, 1868.
1868, c. 196 repeals and re-enacts sections 146 [Sup. 266] and 147 of this article
as follows:
1868, c 19C.
Duty of clerks
and registers.
146. It shall be the duty of the several clerks and
the several registers of wills in this state to account
with, upon oath, and pay to the treasurer on the first
Monday of March, June, September and December in
each and every year all sums of money received by
them respectively under this article, for which they
shall be allowed a commission of five per centum upon
the amount so paid over.
Suit on bond
147. If any of the said clerks or registers shall fail
to account and pay over as required in the last pre-
ceding section, the comptroller shall in thirty days
thereafter give notice thereof to the states attorney for
the county or city, whose duty it shall be to put the
bond of such clerk or register in suit for the use of the
state, in which suit a recovery shall be had for the
amount appearing to be due with interest at the rate
often per cent, per annum from the date or dates when