thereafter as may be, appoint a collector or collectors
for their respective counties, and one collector for Bal-
more city, for the collection of taxes levied, or to be
levied for the current year, and it shall not be lawful
for the local authorities of the said counties or the
municipal authorities of said city, to provide any fixed
annual or other stated compensation for the collection
of the state taxes, or a compensation or a salary of any
kind, to the said collectors for their services in collecting
Per centum.
the state taxes, otherwise than by a per centum on the
amount of their collections as contemplated in the
seventy-fifth section of this article.
bonds in coun-
34. Sub-Sec. 1. Every collector of county taxes,
before he acts as such, shall give bond to the state of
Maryland in a penalty of double the amount of such
tax to be collected by him, with good and sufficient
securities to be approved in the several counties by the
county commissioners, with condition that if the above
bound ......... shall well and faithfully execute his
office, and shall account for and pay to the county
commissioners, or their order, the several sums of
money which he shall receive for the county, or be
answerable for by law, at such time as the law shall
direct, and every collector of state taxes appointed by
the county commissioners, shall also give a separate
bond to the state of Maryland in a penalty double the
amount of the tax to be collected by him, with good
and sufficient securities, to be approved by the gov-
ernor, with the condition that if the above bound
......... shall well and faithfully execute his office, and
Account for
shall account for and pay to the treasurer of the state
the several sums of money which he shall receive for
the state, or be answerable for by law, at such times as
the law shall direct, then the said obligation to be void,
otherwise to remain in full force and effect; provided,
To what coun-
ties not appli-
however, the provisions of this act shall not apply to
Baltimore, Allegany, Charles, Montgomery, Somerset,
Wicomico and Anne Arundel counties.
bond in Balti-
more city.
Sub-Sec. 2. Every collector of state taxes in the city
of Baltimore, before he acts as such, shall give a bond