ART. 16.] CHANCERY. 21
and shall confer as good title upon the purchasers as if
the proceedings upon which the original decree was
passed had been in strict conformity to the require-
ments of law.
Passed and approved March 30, 1868.
1863, c. 348 repeals section 58 and substitutes the following therefor:
58. Whenever lands lie partly in one county and
partly in another, or partly in a county and partly in
the city of Baltimore, or whenever persons proper to
be made defendants to proceedings in chancery, reside
some in one county and some in another, or some in a
county and some in the city of Baltimore, that court
shall have jurisdiction in which proceedings shall have
1868, c 348
When lands or
persona partly
in one county
and partly in
been first commenced; provided, that no proceedings in
chancery shall effect the title to property, real and per-
sonal, in the state of Maryland, beyond the limits of
the city of Baltimore or county in which such pro-
ceedings shall be instituted, to the prejudice of any
bona fide purchaser, mortgagee or pledgee, until a copy
of the bill of complaint, certified under his official seal
by the clerk of the court in which it originated, shall
be filed in the clerk's office of the court of the city of
Baltimore or county where such property shall be at
the time; and on receipt of a copy of such bill by
the clerk of such court, it shall be his duty forthwith
to enter and index the bill in his chancery docket as
though it originated in his court, and also, to state on
the docket from what court it came.
In force and approved March 30, 1668.
Duty of clerk.
1868, c. 311 enacts the following to provide for the changing of the name of
any person:
79. If any person residing in this state shall desire
to change his or her name, such person may file in the
1868, c 311.
Proceedings to
change name.