cases, and giving bond with security to be approved by
said justice in double the sum alleged to be due, and
conditioned as is provided in the forty-first section of
said act of 1864, c. 306, [sec. 4 of Supplement, p. 20,]
except such changes of language as may be necessary to
make the same applicable to a proceeding before a jus-
tice of the peace, and such attachment shall be return-
able before the justice who issued it on a day certain to
be named therein, not less than twenty nor more than
thirty days from the date of issuing it, and the plaintiff
shall give notice of the issuing of such attachment in
the same manner as in case of attachments before a jus-
tice against non-resident or absconding debtors, and a
writ of summons shall also be issued with such attach-
ment as is usual in cases of debt before a justice, and
the proceedings on such attachment shall conform as
near as practicable to the practice and proceedings;
under writs of attachments, against non-resident or
absconding debtors issued by a justice of the peace.
In force and approved March 30, 1868.
Attorneys at Law.
16. Non-practitioners. |
24 Fees.
1868, c. 404 repeals 1862, c. 179, [Sup. 24,] being section 16 of this article and
re-enacts the same as follows:
SEC. 16. No register of wills or clerk of any court
shall practice as attorney at law in any of the courts of
this state whatsoever, nor shall any deputy register of
wills, or any deputy clerk of any court, practice as
attorney at law in any court of this state of which he
is an officer, or to which he may be attached as a
deputy or assistant officer.
In force and approved March 30, 1868.
1808, c 401
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