shall be entitled to and receive from the general
school fund, two per cent, on all money coming into
his hands as compensation for his services; provided,
that no one of said board of school commissioners,
during his continuance in office, shall be eligible to
the office of treasurer; and provided further, that the
said treasurer may at any time, upon good and suffi-
cient cause, to be judged of by said county commis-
sioners, be removed from his said office of treasurer.
to appoint
teachers, to
studies and
85. The said board of commissioners shall have
power to employ teachers and fix their salaries, to
prescribe the course of study and the books to be
used; they shall superintend generally and particu-
larly all the interests and operations of the schools
under their charge, and shall make all such by-laws
for their government, and rules and regulations for
the management of the schools, not inconsistent with
the laws of this state, as they may deem expedient,
and the same may modify or repeal at pleasure; pro-
vided, that no teacher shall be employed against the
wishes of a majority of the parents of the paying
pupils, in any school district, and shall not be paid
more than four hundred dollars per annum.
Pay of com-
90. The members of the board of commissioners of
public schools of Montgomery county shall receive
the following compensation for their services: presi-
dent of the board, three dollars, and each of the
other members, two dollars per day, for every day
they may be occupied in attending the meetings of
the board; and the same compensation shall be
allowed to committees of the board when in attend-
ance upon such duties as the board may assign them;
provided, the said commissioners, or either, shall not
charge for more than ten days in any one year.
District com-
how appointed.
93. The county commissioners of Montgomery
county shall, on the first Thursday after the first
Monday of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,
and every two years thereafter, if the same may in
their judgment be deemed necessary and proper,
appoint two district commissioners for each school