2. Trustees, how and when appointed.
3. Overseer of poor, his duties, &c.
4 Clerk to trustees, his duties, delivery of
books, papers, &c
30. Terms.
27. Incorporated powers and privileges
28 Limits of town
20. Election of commissioners
30. President, vacancies, &c.
31. Meetings, where hold, &c.
32 Judges of election.
33. Appointment of clerk.
34 His duties
35. Commissioners' powers.
36 Leveling, paving, &c, footways. dis-
37 Commissioners to make by-laws, &c.
28 To levy and assess taxes
38. Treasurer to give bond
40 Justiciary powers of the president.
41 Officers' oath
42 Continuance in office.
43 Fines, &c, how recoverable
44 Commissioners' compensation.
45. Bailiff, his duties.
46 Bond of bailiff.
47 Reservation
48. No license to sell liquor in or near
Brookville or in 1st district to issue excep-
tion no license to sell liquor in or near
Sandy Spring to issue exception
66 Commissioners authorized to pass or-
dinances, &c, to open, &c streets proceed-
ings damages
80 Appointment of school commission-
ers vacancies oath
82 Meetings of commissioners president.
81. Treasurer, when and how elected
bond duties
85 Commissioners to appoint teachers
to proscribe studies and manage schools.
90 Pay of commissioners,
93 District commissioners, how appoint-
95 To whom funds payable
96 Trustees' fees, what and by whom pay-
09 Pay