except such as relate to the service of civil process
or collection of debts, but may serve any process for
the collection of fines and forfeitures aforesaid.
168. The said commissioners, or a majority of them,
shall have full power and authority to straighten and
widen old streets and to lay out and grade new ones
when in their discretion the same may be considered
necessary, and they shall have full power to provide
Ibid. R. 12.
ers to lay out,
straighten and
widen streets.
for the payment of damages and expenses incurred
by widening or opening the streets aforesaid by levy-
ing and assessing the same generally upon the whole
assessable property of said town or upon the pro-
perty of persons benefitted thereby.
169. Nothing herein contained shall be so con-
strued as to authorize the corporation hereby created
to issue any device, token, note, certificate or evi-
dence of debt to be used as currency, and the gene-
ral assembly reserves the right to amend or repeal
this charter when the same shall be deemed advis-
In force from February 6, 1867.
Ibid s. 13.
Not to issue
notes, &c., as
1864, c. 110 amends section 170, repeals and amends section 174, and amends sec-
tion 180 and adds new sections as follows:
170. The one hundred and seventieth section is so
amended in relation to the election of trustees for
primary schools, that in school districts number
seven, number eight and number nine, in the fourth
election district, of Kent county, and which compre-
hends Chestertown, and the adjacent territory, within
the limits of said three school districts, as provided
for in said three school districts, the white male tax-
able inhabitants residing in said districts, as provided
for in said section, shall elect five trustees, who shall
manage the affairs and business of the said three
several school districts, instead of the fifteen trustees
usually elected, and shall have and exercise all the
1864, c 110, s. l.
Five trustees
to manage
school districts
Nos 7, 8 and 9,
in election dis-
trict, No. 4.