580 KENT COUNTY. [ART. 14.
unite with him, the following part of the public landing in Quaker Neck, on Chester
river, which was condemned and taken off the lands of Thomas Lusby and said
John Haddaway, and contains one-half of an acre of land. That the commission-
ers aforesaid are authorized and empowered to have surveyed and laid off a portion
of the bed of Chester river, opposite the aforesaid part of the said public landing
extending from high water mark to a depth of water sufficient for vessels carrying
grain and other produce to float at ebb tide, and to condemn the same for the use
of the said John Haddaway and others who may unite with him, and their heirs,
in building a wharf and other improvements; provided, such appropriation of the
said river shall not, in their opinion, obstruct or prejudice the navigation thereof;
and provided further, that ample room shall be left at the terminus of the public
road leading to the said landing and river, and also of the said landing, to allow
the loading and unloading of boats or vessels that may be, or lie off the same, and
not at the wharf to be erected as aforesaid That the commissioners aforesaid are
authorized and empowered to annex such condition and restrictions to said convey-
ance and condemnation as they may deem conducive to the public interest.
NOTE. —For the act of 1667, C. 316 relating to this road, see Public Local Laws, Art. XVII,
Queen Anne.
1867, c. 47 enacts the following:
1867, C 47, s 1.
rights and pri-
157. The citizens of the village of the Head of Sas-
safras, in Kent county are hereby constituted and
made a body corporate, by the name of Sassafras,
with all the privileges of a body corporate, and to
have a common seal and perpetual succession.
Ibid F. 2
Election of
158. The free white male citizens of the Head of
Sassafras aforesaid, of the age of twenty-one years
and upwards, being citizens of the United States,
who have resided in the said village for or during
the space of six months next preceding the first
"Wednesday in April next, may on that day, at the
hotel of James L. Pryor, in said village, in the house
formerly Voshell's hotel, and the free white male
citizens of the town of Sassafras aforesaid, having
the qualification aforesaid, on the first Wednesday in
April in every year thereafter, be authorized to
elect five commissioners for said town, who shall be
entitled to vote, and have resided within the limits of
the same one year next preceding the election.
Ibid s. 3
Judge of elec-
159. Any justice of the peace residing in the first
election district in Kent county shall appoint by