shall receive annually, out of the school funds of
said county, the sum of at least four hundred dollars,
and shall be entitled to all the privileges, and shall
be subject to the same control as the public schools;
the board shall determine the manner in which pupils
shall be admitted, and shall prescribe the course of
instruction; should the board of commissioners be
unable to establish high schools or academies, as
herein provided for, in consequence of having no
suitable buildings at the places herein designated,
the said commissioners may appropriate the amounts,
or so much as may be necessary thereof, hereinbe-
fore set apart for said high schools, to the purpose of
procuring suitable buildings at said places.
207. The present school fund of Cecil county, and
all other funds which may be by any law of this
state, applicable to purposes of education in said
county, shall be paid directly to the treasurer of
the board of commissioners of public schools, and
the balance necessary for the support of the schools
shall be annually estimated and determined by said
board of commissioners of public schools, who shall
report the same to the county commissioners, who
shall levy annually the sum so estimated and re-
ported upon the assessable property of Cecil county,
to be collected in the same manner as other taxes,
and the said school tax, when so collected, shall be
School funds to
be paid to treas-
urer of com-
paid over to the treasurer aforesaid, quarterly; pro-
vided, the said levy for school purposes shall not
exceed twenty cents on the one hundred dollars.
In force from February 19. 1864.
NOTE —See the act of 1865, c 160, Public General Laws, Art. — Public Instruction by which
all laws inconsistent therewith are repealed.
1882, c. 165 repeals sections 180, 184, 185 and 133 and substitutes the following:
180. The county commissioners of Cecil county,
shall require an accurate return to be made annually
by the collectors of the several districts within the
1862, c 166.
Collectors to
make annual
return of dogs.