to the issuing of a warrant would be dangerous to
the peace and quiet of the village, or the lives, limbs
and property of its citizens, and when it shall appear
that the offender is intoxicated, shall take charge of
the horse and vehicle and deposit them in some place
of safety until the offender shall be sober.
Ibid s 13.
Streets, &c.
178. They shall have power to establish the limits
and width of the streets of said village, and to remove
obstructions therefrom, and may with the consent of
two-thirds of the owners of the property through
which they may pass, open new streets, lanes and
Ibid s. 14.
179. They shall have power to provide for the
payment of the damages and expenses of opening,
widening, laying out, and grading of streets, lanes
and alleys in said village, by levying and assessing
the same generally upon the whole of the assessable
property of said town, or specially upon the assess-
able property of persons benefitted thereby.
Ibid R 15.
Land, &c, for
streets, how
180. If on the opening or laying out any new
street, lane, or alley, the said commissioners cannot
agree with any owner of any land or property wanted
for the purposes, for the purchase, use or occupation
of the same, application may be made to any justice
of the peace for said county, who shall thereupon
issue his warrant under his hand and seal, directed
to the sheriff of said county requiring him to sum-
mon a jury of twenty inhabitants of said county, not
related to the parties, or in anywise interested, to
meet on the land or near to the property to be
valued, on a day to be named in the warrant, not
less than ten nor more than twenty days after issu-
ing of the warrant.
Ibid. B 16.
Jury to con-
181. The sheriff shall, before the jury proceed to
act, administer to each an oath that he will justly
and impartially value the damages, and if any of the
jurors summoned do not attend, the sheriff shall
immediately summon as many jurors as shall be
necessary with those in attendance to finish the
panel of twenty, and from them each party or his