of commissioners, or any three of them, shall assem-
ble and proclaim a new election, and give at least
five days' notice thereof.
Ibid. a. G.
President, how
171. The said commissioners shall, on the first
meeting after said election, choose one from among
their Dumber, who shall be president of the board,
His duties.
whose duty it shall be to preside at the meetings of
said commissioners, and preserve decorum, and give
such directions as may be deemed necessary to carry
into effect the provisions of this article.
Ibid, s 7.
Meetings of
172. The aforesaid commissioners, or a majority
thereof, may meet together at such times as occasion
may seem to require upon the business of said vil-
lage, and not less than once in every three months;
and if during the year for which they are elected,
any of said commissioners shall die, resign, remove
from said village, or from any cause be disqualified,
an election to fill the vacancy, on ten days' notice
being given by the commissioners, shall be held, at
which all persons qualified as herein specified, shall
be entitled to vote.
Ibid. s. 8
and duties of
173. The aforesaid commissioners or a majority of
them, shall have power to appoint a clerk and assign
his duties, allowing him such compensation for his
services as they shall think proper; and all ordi-
nances passed by said commissioners, or a majority
of them, shall by their clerk be entered in a book
kept by him for that purpose, and shall be at all
times open for the inspection of any person inter-
ested, and copies of all ordinances shall be put up in
the most public places of said village.
Ibid. s. 9.
Bounds of vil-
174. The corporate bounds of said village shall
be as follows: beginning at the west corner of the
Rising Sun school house lot, and running thence
north eighty-five degrees east ninety-two perches,
thence south seventy-two and a half degrees east
eighty-three seventy-two one-hundredths perches,
thence south forty-two and a half degrees west one
hundred and sixty-seven seventy-six one-hundredths
perches, thence north nineteen degrees west seven-