mode of authenticating the execution of such com-
mission; and the answer of every infant so taken in
any case, when returned to the court issuing the
commission, shall be as effectual as if taken under a
commission duly executed within the jurisdiction of
such court.
ID force from June 1, 1864.
1864, c. 360 amends section 126, and enacts as follows :
1864, c. 360.
Sale of dece-
dent's real
estate for debts.
126. Where any person dies, leaving any real
estate in possession, remainder or reversion, and
not leaving personal estate sufficient to pay his debts
and costs of administration on any suit already, or
which may be hereafter instituted, by any of his
creditors, the court may decree that all the real estate
of such person, or so much thereof as ma j be neces-
sary, shall be sold to pay his debts ; this to apply to
all cases where the heirs or devisees are residents or
non-residents, or are of full age, or infants, or of
sound mind, or non compos mentis, and to cases where
the parties left no heirs, or where it is not known
whether he left heirs or devisees; or if the heirs or
devisees be unknown, and if there be no heirs, the
state's attorney shall appear to the bill.
In force from March 10, 1364.
NOTE.—After "personal estate," the words In the act: "exclusive of the appraised value of
the negroes " are omitted.
1862, c. 156 adds the following :
1862, c. 156.
Sale or lease
of life estates
and estates de-
127. In all cases where one or more persons is or
are entitled to an estate for life or years in land, and
other persons are entitled to a remainder or remain-
ders, vested or contingent, or an executory devise or
devises, or any other interest, vested or contingent, .
in the same land, on application of any of the parties