as part of the quota of this state, or in the case of
negroes who shall appear to have been enlisted from
this state prior to the first day of April, eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, in the service of the United
States, under the call of the president, dated October
seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and
subsequent calls; but who from any cause, shall not
have been credited to the county or city where such
person at the time of his enlistment resided, shall be
entitled to receive the bounty provided by said act.
1866, c. 108 repeals, re-enacts and amends 1365, c. 49, ss. 2 and 3, as follows;
12. The treasurer of the state, upon, receipt of lists
of such persons from the acting assistant provost
marshal for Maryland, or from any other duly autho-
rized officer of the United States, certifying that such
persons were credited upon the quota of this, state, in
hereby authorized and directed upon the warrant of
the comptroller, to pay to every such soldier, volun-
teer or other person, the whole amount of the bounties
provided by the laws referred to, to be paid to them
respectively, anything contained in said law or laws
1800, c 108, s 2
Treasurer au-
thorized to pay
to the contrary notwithstanding; provided, however,
that no payment shall be made under this act, to any
person designated as a negro slave in the third sec-
tion of the said act of eighteen hundred and sixty-
four, who shall from the returns made to the comp-
troller, appear to have been paid his bounty as a free
person, so enlisting as aforesaid.
13. The treasurer shall upon the warrant of the
comptroller, pay the bounty of one hundred dollars
provided by section three of the act of eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-four, chapter fifteen, to the former
owner of every person designated in said section as
a negro slave, who shall appear to have been enlisted
in the service of the United States from this state, by
lists or certificates as provided for in the preceding
section of this act, and every claimant or master as
Ibid. s. 3
$100 to be paid
former owner