count and cancel the bonds and certificates for stocks
of the state, purchased or obtained by the treasurer
Statement to be
filed in comp-
troller's office.
for the use of the sinking fund, and a statement of
the bonds and certificates so counted and cancelled,
signed by the comptroller and treasurer, and coun-
tersigned by the governor, shall be filed in the office
of the comptroller ; and the committee on finance of
Duty of legisla-
tive commit-
the senate, and the committee on ways and means of
the house of delegates, shall, during each session of
the legislature, examine, count and burn all such
bonds and certificates of stock as have been so pur-
chased or obtained up to the close of the fiscal year
next preceding the session, and cancelled as afore-
said, and shall make report of their proceedings
therein to the legislature at the same session in
which they shall perform said duty.
In force from April 1, 1862.
Weights and Measures.
18. Potatoes. 20. Corn barrel measure, Ac.
1361, c. 78, professes to repeal section 226 of Article II of the Public Local Laws as far
as relates to the counties therein named. This is clearly an error, and the evident
reference is to section 18 of. this Article, which is taken from the act of 1860, c.
226, B. 2, which the author of the law probably had before him, and hence the
error. The act of 1861 is therefore inserted here:
1861, c 78.
SEC. 18. Section two hundred and twenty-six of
article two of the public local laws, is hereby re-
pealed so far as its provisions apply to the sale of
potatoes in the counties of Frederick, Washington,
Allegany, Anne Arundel, Carroll and Montgomery.
In force from June 21, 1861.