ART. 12.] BANKS.
elation for the purpose of banking under the laws
of the United States, the said clerk shall record such
certificate, and shall send an authenticated copy
thereof to the governor of the state, who, on receiv-
ing the same shall give notice for at least three
weeks in some newspaper printed in the city or
county where said bank, savings institution or sav-
ings bank is located, that said bank, savings institu-
tion or savings bank has been converted into such
association, and that its charter as granted by the
general assembly of Maryland, has been surren-
dered, and thereupon all its corporate powers shall
cease ; provided, nevertheless, that said bank, savings
institution or savings bank may continue to use its
corporate -name for the purpose of prosecuting and
defending suits instituted by or against it, and of
enabling it to close its affairs, but not for the purpose
of continuing under the laws of this state, the busi-
ness for which it was established, and no bank, sav-
ings institution or savings bank thus converted into
a banking association under the laws of the United
States, shall re-issue for circulation any of the notes
issued by it during its existence under the laws of
the state, for more than one year after its charter has
been surrendered ; provided, that the existing laws of
the state providing for taxes on the state banks for
the purposes enumerated therein, shall extend and
apply to all state banks and other institutions avail-
ing themselves of the provisions of this act, when
they shall hare become banking associations under
the act of congress, and all sums required by the
charters of said institutions and banks to be paid to
the state, shall continue as heretofore to be paid.
23. Whenever any bank, savings institution or
savings bank in this state shall have surrendered
its charter, and become an association for the pur-
pose of banking under the laws of the United States,
all its assets, real and personal, without other trans-
fer, shall vest in and become the property of such
association, and said association shall be responsible
Ibid, s 4.
Property to
vest in national