8. All fines and forfeitures, under the ordinances of the said
corporation, shall be recoverable as small debts are recoverable,
out of court, before any justice of the peace.
9. The limits of said town shall be defined as beginning at
the county wharf, on Pocomoke river at New Town, thence up
by and with the aforesaid river to the ferry causeway, thence by
and with the same to a bridge over a gut twenty-one rods north-
west of Col. William H. Merrill's house, thence north fifty-five
and one half degrees east, one hundred and twenty-eight perches,
to an old red oak standing on the northwest side of a road lead-
ing to Dr. Harris' house to Winter Quarter landing, thence run-
ning south twenty-two and one half degrees, east one hundred
and seventy-four perches, thence south forty-seven, west two
hundred and seventy-three perches to a ditch on the edge of a
red hill in William I. Long's field, thence north fifty-five de-
grees, west one hundred and seventy perches to the aforesaid
river, thence up, by and with the same to the first beginning.
10. The said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall have
full power to make all such by-laws, regulations and ordinances,
not inconsistent with the laws and Constitution of this State, as
from time to time they may deem wise, equitable and expedient
for the comfort, health, convenience and prosperity of said town
and its inhabitants, for the prevention or removal of nuisances,
preservation of health, and suppression of vice and immorality
within the limits of the said town, and shall have power to lay
an equal tax on the property within said limits to such an
amount as may from time to time be deemed necessary to ac-
complish the purposes aforesaid; which tax shall be collected
and paid to the president and commissioners, by the collector by
them appointed, who shall have the same power to distrain
therefor as the collector of public county assessment has to dis-
train for the same; provided, said tax shall not exceed twenty-
five cents on the one hundred dollars of the taxable property of
said town for any one year, and the said president and commis-
sioners shall fix the term of office, amount of bond and compen-
sation of such collector.