term for which officers so elected to fill vacancies shall expire
on the clay after the one fixed for holding of annual elections
by the by-laws of said corporation; and, provided also, that where
the burgess and commissioners, or the person authorized by
them to give notice of said election, neglect or refuse to give
said notice, it shall be held to be a legal notice for such elections,
if given by a justice of the peace residing in said corporation.
In force from March 10, 1865.
Chapter 55 amends section 135, as follows:
3. They may regulate by ordinance the market in said town,
appoint an inspector of said market, assign his duties and allow
him a reasonable salary; and may authorize him, under their
control and direction, to rent out for the benefit of the corpora-
tion, the butcher stalls in, and the benches in and about said
market house. They may also lease the hall, now known as the
Town Hall, for a period, not at any one time, exceeding fifteen
In force from March 20, 1865.
Chapter 17 enacts the following:
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General Assembly
that the citizens and inhabitants of Hagerstown, in Washington
county, were required and compelled by the rebels under the
rebel General McCausland and others, to pay large sums of
money and to furnish large and valuable amounts of goods for
the purpose of ransoming the said town whilst in the hands and
possession of the said rebels in the summer of eighteen hundred
and sixty-four; therefore, for the purpose of relieving such per-
sons and citizens:
4. The mayor and council of Hagerstown are hereby author-
ized and empowered to borrow a sum of money not exceeding
thirty-five thousand dollars, or to issue bonds bearing an interest
of six per cent, per annum, signed by the mayor and by the
clerk of said mayor and council, and sealed with the seal of said