Chapter 06 repeals section 65, and re-enacts the same, as follows:
4. They shall levy the State and county taxes for said county,
on or before the first day of May in each year.
In force from February 25, 1865.
Chapter 146 enacts the following, (I. Supplement, 17; U. Supplement, 24: )
5. Oliver C. Warfield, is hereby appointed commissioner of
records, for the purpose of restoring and re-establishing such of
the records and papers, dockets and indexes, in the office of the
clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, as have been
either wholly or partially destroyed by fire; who, before he
enters upon the duties required and authorized by this act, shall
take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation before some
judge of a court of record in said county, which oath or affirma-
tion certified by the said judge, shall be recorded among the
proceedings of the said commissioner: " I, ———————, do make
oath upon the Holy Evangely of Almighty God, (or affirm as
the case might be, ) that I will well and truly execute and perform
the duties prescribed and required to be performed by me as
commissioner under the act entitled an act to provide for, the
completion of the restoration of the records and papers destroyed
or injured by fire, in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court
for Baltimore county, so help me God. "
6. The said commissioner shall keep an accurate and detailed
record of his proceedings, which record shall upon the close of
this commission, be certified by the said commissioner under his
hand and seal, and be by him delivered to the clerk of the
Circuit Court for Baltimore county, to be by him kept and pre-
served as all other records in his office.
7. The said commissioner shall have and exercise all the
powers which are now possessed by the judges of the Circuit