Chapter 130 enacts the following:
SEC. 1. The clerks of the Circuit Courts of the several counties
and the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore city,
shall receive and record in books prepared for the purpose, the
following facts concerning the births, marriages and deaths in
said county or city, separately numbering and recording the
same in the order in which he receives them, designating in
separate columns:
Sub-Sec. 1. In the record book of births, the date of the
births, the place of birth, the name of the child, (if it have any, )
the sex and color of the child, the names of the parents, the oc-
cupation of the father, the residence of the parents, and the date
of the record.
Sub-Sec. 2. In the record book of marriages, the date of the
'marriage, the place of the marriage, the name, place of residence
and official station, or title of the person by whom married, the
names and places of residence of each of the parties, the age
and color of each, the condition of each, (whether single or
widowed, ) the occupation and the date of record; there shall be
printed on each marriage license a blank form for the particulars
required as above, and it shall be the duty of the minister or
other person solemnizing a marriage under such license, to fill
up said blanks and make return thereof as hereinafter provided.
Sub-Sec. 3. In the record book of deaths, the date of the
death, the name of the deceased, the sex, the color, the condi-
tion, (whether single, widowed or married, ) the age, the resi-
dence, the occupation, the place of death, the place of birth, the
names and place of residence of the. parents, the disease or cause
of death, the place of burial and the date of record.
2. The said record books provided for by the preceding sec-
tion, shall be truly and regularly paged and alphabetically in-
dexed, in the case of births, with the name of the child, (if it