Chapter 142 adds the following section:
4. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the Court of Common
Pleas, for Baltimore city, annually in the month of April, to
make or cause to be made, an alphabetical list of the names of
all the persons, or bodies corporate, or politic, in the city of
Baltimore, in each ward of said city, who shall be exercising or
pursuing any business or be doing any act or thing, or shall be
in the use or occupation of any house or place, for any purpose
for which a license is made necessary by the fifty-sixth article
of the Public General Laws, and to return such list or lists to
the Grand Jury of said city, at as early a period as practicable
after the first day of May then next ensuing, and the said clerk
shall, within the first week of the month of April, cause a
printed notice to be inserted in the daily papers of the city,
cautioning all persons and bodies corporate, or politic, whom
it may concern, to obtain a license or renew the same, on or be-
fore the first day of May then next ensuing, and said clerk shall
be entitled to and receive twenty-five cents for every license
obtained by any person whose name shall be contained in the
list or lists so returned by him, to be paid by the party applying
for such license, but the failure of the said clerk to give the
public notice hereinbefore directed, shall not be allowed to
excuse any person or persons or bodies corporate or politic who
shall neglect to obtain a license as required by the* Public
General Laws.
In force from April 1, 1865.
Chapter 47 adds the following section, to take place after section 27:
SEC. 1. Every bond, writing obligatory or contract for the
conveyance of real estate or any interest or estate of, in, or