Recommendations of the Edition of 1859,
A re-compilation of the Naval Laws is greatly needed, and its execution upon the
plan proposed by you, would make it a work eminently useful to all who may have
occasion to refer to the Naval Laws of our country. JOHN R. THOMSON, N. J.
From Hon. ISAAC TOUCEY, Secretary U. S. Navy.
I acknowledge the receipt of, and thank you for, the copy of your compilation of
the "Laws of the Navy and Marine Corps, 1775-1859, " which you have presented to
me. I am much pleated with the work. It is one that has been much needed—
presenting, at a glance, information not otherwise obtained bat by tedious search—
and, in my opinion, must prove to Naval officers a most valuable and convenient
volume of reference. ISAAC TOUCEY.
From Hon. R. B. TANEY, Chief Justice Supreme Court, U. S.
Many engagements during the cession of the Supreme Court, put it out of my
power to examine the compilation of the Laws of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps—
a copy of which you, with the publishers, have been kind enough to send me. Since
the term closed I have been able to look into it with attention, and take pleasure in
saying thai I think it A very desirable and valuable work, containing in a condensed
form and judiciously arranged, information which, in the present state of things,
every one who takes an interest in public affaire, has frequent occasion to look for in
an authentic form. Your work saves the necessity of a laborious search for a mul-
titude of acts of Congress, scattered in different volumes. R. B. TANEY.
From the Hon. REVERDY JOHNSON, Ex-Attorney General U. S.
I thank you much for your present of "The Laws U. S. Navy and Marine Corps, "
and for your kind note accompanying it, of 9th inst.
A partial examination of the work has satisfied me of its accuracy and usefulness.
It cannot fail to be sanctioned by all who take an interest in the service to which it
it devoted, and to be of great assistance to the gallant men who adorn it
From Commodore Jos. SMITH, Bureau Yards and Docks.
I have examined your compilation of Laws relating to the Navy and Marine
Corps, and And it a most valuable compendium for reference. It is well arranged
and may be relied upon as authentic. JOS. SMITH.
From Hon. LEWIS CASS, Secretary of State.
I have received and heartily thank you for the copy of your compilation of the
Laws relating to the Navy, which you were so kind as to send me. It appears to be
an excellent work, has certainly been long desirable, and I doubt not will be useful
to all who may wish to refer to the subject, and indispensable to those particularly
interested in It LEWIS CASS.
From Professor BACHE, Sup't. U. S. Coast Survey.
The little opportunity which I have had for examining the volume of Laws rela-
ting to the Navy, compiled by you, convinces me that it cannot but be very useful
for purposes of reference. Such A work has been greatly needed, and its timely
publication will, without doubt, much facilitate the labors of all who have even the
remote relations with naval affairs. A. D. B ACHE.
MURPHY A Co, Publishers, 182 Baltimore street, Baltimore.