3. He shall report all cases argued and determined in the
Court of Appeals, designated by the court as proper for publi-
cation, as soon as possible after the close of each term of said
court, the report in each case to be limited to a statement of the
material facts, the principal points, and the authorities relied on
by the respective counsel, and the opinion of the court delivered
4. Each volume of the reports shall contain at least six hun-
dred pages, and shall be printed on good paper, to be selected
and purchased by the reporter at the cost of the State, with clear
type, and in size, form, quality of materials and quantity of mat-
ter per page, shall correspond as nearly as possible with the
eighteenth volume of Maryland Reports, and shall be sold at a
price not exceeding five dollars a volume, bound in " fine law
sheep, " or four dollars and a half when not bound, and shall be
printed, published and bound at the expense of the reporter,
who shall be entitled to the copyright of the volumes.
5. The State shall take two hundred copies of each volume of
said reports bound in "fine law calf" at the price of six dollars
per volume, delivered at the State library.
In force from April 3, 18C5.
Revenue and Taxes.
Chapter 113 repeals section 6, and enacts the following in lieu thereof:
SEC. 1. The County Commissioners of the several counties in
this State, are hereby directed to strike from their respective
assessment books, all slave property of every description and
class heretofore assessed according to law, and in future no taxes
of any kind shall be levied on the assessed value of said slaves;
nothing however in this section is intended to release taxes