Chapter 255 repeals Section 75, and 1862, c. 33, and re-enacts the same as follows,
(I. Supplement, 95 •)
2. The clerk to the commissioners of Queen Anne'a county,
shall receive annually as a compensation for his services such
sum as the commissioners may deem proper, not exceeding
three hundred dollars; the said clerk is authorized and is here-
by empowered to administer an oath or affirmation to any ac-
count not before probated to any person presenting a claim to
the commissioners against the county; but nothing in this
section shall be construed to empower the clerk to administer
the oath or affirmation in any other place than in his office; he
shall be allowed the usual fee of a justice of the peace for the
same service.
In force from March 10,1864.
Chapter 253 adds the following to follow Section 75 :
3. The county commissioners of Queen Anne's county may
levy on the assessable property of Queen Anne's county, for the
use of the commissioners of the town of Centreville, annually,
such sum of money as in their judgment may be just and equita-
ble, to assist the said town commissioners to keep the roads and
streets in said town in proper repair and order; the same to be
paid to the proper officer of the town commissioners, who are
hereby invested with the control thereof.
In force from March 10, 1864.
Chapter 194 amends and re-enacts Section 92, as follows
4. There shall be the following number of justices of the
peace and constables for said county, to wit: For election dis-
trict number one, two justices of the peace and two constables;
for election district number two, two justices of the peace and
two constables; for election district number three, three justices
of the peace and three constables; for election district number
four, two justices of the peace and one constable; for election