1894, CH. 5.] CONVENTION. 73
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That when the Governor shall
receive the returns of the number of ballots cast in this State
for the adoption or rejection of the Constitution submitted by
the Convention to the people, if upon counting and casting up
the returns as made to him as hereinbefore prescribed, it shall
appear that a majority of the legal votes cast at said election
are in favor of the adoption of the said Constitution, he shall
issue his proclamation to the people of the State declaring the
fact, and he shall take such steps as shall be required by the
said Constitution to carry the same into full operation and to
supersede the old Constitution of this State.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That all ballots cast at any of the
elections to be held under the provisions of this law, shall be
written or printed on white paper, and any ballot or ballots
written or printed on colored paper shall not be received by
said judges of election; and this act shall be published, under
the order of the Governor, in three of the newspapers in the
city of Baltimore, one of them to be a paper printed in German,
and one in each county where a newspaper is printed, once a
week for three weeks before the day of election.
In force from February 3, 1364.