ART. 12. ] BANKS. 21
filed for an order requiring the plaintiff to give additional
security, notice of which application shall be given to the plain-
tiff, not less than four days, before the same is made; and the
said judge, if satisfied, from evidence of the insufficiency of the
said bond, may order or require the plaintiff to give an addi-
tional bond, with security to be approved of by the court, in
such sum and within such time as he may deem proper, and in
case the plaintiff shall fail to comply with such order the said
writ of attachment shall be quashed and the property attached,
or its proceeds, if the same shall have been sold by order of the
court, shall be returned to the defendant.
7. The practice and pleadings, under the writ of attachment
issued in compliance with the foregoing sections, shall in all
other respects, not herein provided for, conform, as near as may
be, to the practice and proceedings under writs of attachment
against non-resident and absconding debtors.
In force from March 9, 1861.
Chapter 3 enacts the following, continuing in force 1862, ch. 178, (I. Supplement, 21 •)
SEC. 1. That section two of Article twelve of the Code of
Public General Laws be and the same is hereby continued in
force and operation in law until the eleventh day of March,
eighteen hundred and sixty-six.
Passed January 15, 1864.
Chapter 13 repeals sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 19, and re-enacts 1862, ch. 138, (I. Supple-
ment, 21, ) as follows:
2. The several banks of this State now having authority to
issue notes, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered
to issue twenty per cent, of their capital stock actually paid in,
in notes of a less denomination than five dollars, but no note