Chapter 306 adds the following sections to this Article, under the sub-title of
SEC. 1. Every person and every body corporate that has the
right to become a plaintiff in any action or proceeding, before
any judicial tribunal in this State, shall have the right to pro-
ceed by attachment, in the following cases, upon the conditions
and in the manner herein provided: Before any such writ of
attachment shall be issued the plaintiff, or some person in his
behalf, shall make an affidavit before the clerk of the court from
which said attachment shall issue, stating that the defendant or
defendants named in the writ of attachment is bona fide indebted
to the plaintiff or plaintiffs in the sum of —— dollars, over and
above all discounts; and that the plaintiff knows, or has good
reason to believe either (first) that the debtor is about to abscond
from this State, or (second) that the defendant has assigned, dis-
posed of, or concealed, or is about to assign, dispose of, or con-
ceal his property, or some portion thereof, with intent to defraud
his creditors, or (third) that the defendant fraudulently con-
tracted the debt, or incurred the obligation respecting which the
action is brought, or (fourth) that the defendant has removed,
or is about to remove, his property, or some portion thereof,
out of this Slate, with intent to defraud his creditors.
2. At the time of making said affidavit the plaintiff shall pro-
duce the bond, account or other evidence of the debt, by which
said debtor is indebted, and the same shall be filed among the
papers in the cause.
3. There shall be issued with every attachment issued, under
the provisions of the two preceding sections, a writ of summons
against the defendant, as is usual in actions at law.
4. Every clerk, before issuing an attachment, under the pre-
ceding sections, shall take from the plaintiff, or some person on