ART. 41. ] FISH. 46
and on failure to comply with the requirements of this section,
he shall forfeit, in each case, the sum of fifty dollars, to be col-
lected and paid for the use of the State.
The Act of 1862, ch. 113, repeals section 23, and enacts the following substitute:
4, Every notary public, before he shall be commissioned or
authorized to discharge the duties of his office, shall give bond
to the State of Maryland, with security to be approved by the
Governor, in the penalty of six thousand dollars, if appointed
for the city of Baltimore, and m the penalty of two thousand
dollars, if appointed for any county, conditioned for the pay-
ment into the treasury of that portion of the notarial fees re-
ceived by him, for the use of the State; and if any person
appointed a notary public shall neglect or refuse to give such
bond within thirty days from the date of his appointment, the
Governor shall appoint some other person in his place.
The Act of 1862, ch. 171, enacts as follows:
SEC. 1. It shall not be lawful for any person to throw or place
into the waters of the Pocomoke river, for the purpose of taking
or destroying fish therein, any lime, coculus indicus, otherwise
called Indian or Indian cockle, or any other poisonous weed or
substance, whether the same is mixed with any other substance
or not; every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, before any justice of
the peace, in the name of the State, such person shall be punished
by fine in the discretion of the justice, of not less than five, nor
more than twenty-five dollars, to be collected by any constable
in the district where such offence may have been committed, in
the same manner of other small debts; one-half of said fine shall
be paid to the informer, and the other half into the public school
fund of Worcester county; provided, that nothing herein con-