attempt or conspire with others to burn or destroy any bridge,
ferryboat, viaduct, culvert, structure, rails or other property
belonging to or being part of any highway or railroad, or any
engine, car, vehicle or other property, either belonging to or used
or employed upon any railroad within this State, or if any person
or persons shall attempt or conspire with others to destroy any
dam, lock, abutment, towing path, waste-weir or feeder of any
canal, or any boat, vessel or other property belonging to or used
or employed thereon within this State, every person so offending,
upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to confinement in
the penitentiary for a term not exceeding three years, nor less
than one year, or fined in a sum not more than two thousand
nor less than five hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court.
Sub-Sec. 7. If any person or persons shall wilfully attempt or
conspire to betray, yield or deliver to any person or persons in
rebellion against the government of this State, or to their emis-
saries, aiders or abettors any ship, vessel or steamboat within this
State, every person so offending shall, upon conviction thereof,
be sentenced to confinement in the penitentiary for a term not
exceeding three years nor less than one year, or fined in a sum
not more than two thousand nor less than five hundred dollars,
in the discretion of the court.
Sub-Sec. 8. If any person or persons in this State shall know-
ingly display to public view what is commonly designated the
secession flag, with a view and intent to excite seditious feelings,
or shall during the present rebellion against the Government of the
United States, and without the consent of the Government of the
United States, offer inducements to any minor or other person to
abandon his home or place of temporary residence for the pur-
pose of going into any of the States in rebellion, or shall furnish
to any minor or other person money, clothing or conveyances of
any kind for the accomplishment of any such intended object,
although the same may not have been effected, each one of said
offences shall be deemed evidence of disloyalty, and shall be in
law a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not less than fifty
dollars or more than one hundred dollars, in the discretion of the
court, and in case of the non-payment of the fine and costs of suit