80 COURTS. [ART. 29.
by injunction, supersedeas, appeal, or writ of error, an execution
may issue at any time within three years after the expiration or
removal of such stay, but in no case whatever shall the period
during which any stay law heretofore passed, or hereafter to be
passed, may have been, or may be in force, be computed as part
of said three years.
The Act of 1862, ch. 122, adds the following:
14. The Court of Appeals shall, upon the application of any
appellant or appellee, in any case there depending, and on proper
cause shown to said court, for that purpose, have power to
order and direct the clerk of the court from which said appeal
may have been taken, to produce, by himself or some person
authorized by him, to the said Court of Appeals, for inspection
upon the trial of the said: case, any original paper, map or plat
filed in the court below in said case, a copy whereof is set forth
in the record sent to the said Court of Appeals; the cost of such
production, in every case, to be paid by the party applying for
the production of said paper.
The Act of 1862, ch. 107, repeals section 43, and enacts the following as a substitute:
15. The crier appointed by the Court of Appeals shall receive
two dollars and fifty cents a day for his attendance, and when-
ever, in the judgment of said court, the attendance or services of
a sheriff may be required in said court, the judges thereof may
direct a sheriff to attend or perform such services, for which at-
tendance and services the said sheriff shall be entitled to a per
diem of three dollars and fifty cents; and the judges of said court
shall, at the end of each session of the said court, give the said
crier and sheriff a certificate of the number of days they have
respectively attended, upon the production of which certificate
the Comptroller shall draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the
amount appearing hereby to be due.