therefrom the necessary expenses incident to his office for the
same period, shall pay the excess to the Treasurer; and the clerk
of the Court of Appeals shall pay the excess over the sum of
three thousand dollars, after making the deductions aforesaid.
2. Every clerk, including the clerk of the Court of Appeals,
shall twice in every year, on the first Monday in June and De-
cember, return a full and accurate account of all his fees, emolu-
ments, and receipts, whether on his own account as such clerk,
or for the State, city or county, including fines and forfeitures,
and also of all expenses incident to his office, and such accounts
shall be rendered under oath, and in such forms and supported
by such proofs as shall be prescribed by the Comptroller; and
every clerk, including said clerk of the Court of Appeals, shall
render with his account of the expenses incident to his office, a list
of the clerks employed by him, stating the rate of compensation
allowed to each, and the duties which they severally perform,
and, also, the sums paid for stationery, official and contingent
expenses, fuel and other things, and stating the purposes for
which said expenses are applied; and in the account of fees,
there shall be a separate statement of all those fees charged
during the six months included in said account which, at the
date of said account, remain uncollected.
The Act of 1862, ch. 230, amends the 7th section of this Article, as follows:
SEC. 1. The Comptroller shall keep his office in the building;
BOW occupied by him in the city of Annapolis, until otherwise-
provided by law.
The Act of 1862, ch. 141, adds the following section:
2. The Comptroller is hereby authorized to employ in his
office an additional clerk, at a salary not exceeding one hundred
dollars a month, for such time, not exceeding one year from the