ART. 12. ] BANKS. 21
The Act of 1862, ch. 178, repeals the foregoing section, and enacts as follows:
2. No corporation of this State authorized to issue notes for
circulation, shall be subject to any forfeiture or penalty for not
redeeming such notes in specie before the eleventh day of March,
eighteen hundred and sixty-four.
The Act of May 1, 1861, ch. 11, which repealed section 19, was repealed by the Act
of 1862, ch. 138, which enacts as follows: '
3. The several banks of this State now having authority to
issue notes, are hereby authorized and empowered to issue twenty
per cent, of their capital stock actually paid in, in notes of a
less denomination than five dollars, but no note shall be issued
of a less denomination than one dollar; and nothing herein
shall be construed to enlarge the total amount of the notes to be
issued by any bank, beyond what is now allowed by law.
4. No small note shall be issued or re-issued under the provi-
sions of this act, at any time after the tenth day of May, eighteen
hundred and sixty-four.
5. The various banks of this State, are hereby released from
any and all penalties they may have incurred by the issue of
bank notes of a less denomination than five dollars, subse-
quent to the passage of the act of the General Assembly of
Maryland, chapter eleven, entitled, an act to amend the nine-
teenth section, relating to banks, of article twelve of the Code
of Public General Laws, passed at the special April Session of
eighteen hundred and sixty-one.
6. The act to incorporate the Fell's Point Bank, passed during
the present session, so far as it conflicts with the provisions of
this act, is hereby repealed.