1939, ch. 418.
AN ACT legalizing the Annotated Code of Maryland, Edition of 1939,
edited by Horace E. Flack, and making it evidence of the law.
WHEREAS, A new edition, to be known as the edition of 1939, of the
Annotated Code of Maryland, has been prepared by Horace E. Flack and
is now ready for publication; and
WHEEEAS, The said new edition includes all of the statutes still in force
contained in the 1924 edition of the Annotated Code, legalized and made
evidence of the law by Chapter 219 of the Acts of 1924, and all of the
statutes still in force contained in the 1935 Supplement to the Annotated
Code, legalized and made evidence of the law by Chapter 110 of the Acts
of 1935, and all of the Public General Laws still in force contained in the
Acts of the General Assembly passed subsequent to the 1935 Supplement
to the Annotated Code, to wit, the Acts of the March and December
extraordinary Sessions of the General Assembly of 1936 and the Acts of
the Regular and Extraordinary Sessions of 1937;
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Annotated Code of Maryland, edition of 1939, edited by Horace E.
Elack, be and the same is hereby legalized and shall be deemed and taken
in all the courts of the State, and by all the Justices of the Peace of the
State, and by all public officials of the State, to be evidence of the Public
General Laws of the State contained in the Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland of 1888 and the Public General Laws enacted subsequent
thereto; provided that before said edition of 1939 is published, the Public
General Laws enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland at its session
of 1939 shall be incorporated therein.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted,, That this Act shall take effect June 1,
Approved May 3, 1939.