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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 3689   View pdf image (33K)
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shall be considered and reported upon with the right of either party to
appeal to the Commission from the finding of said arbitration committee
on air questions of law and fact. If changes of circumstances warrant an
increase or rearrangement of compensation, like application shall be made.
No increase or rearrangement shall be operative for any period prior to
application therefor. At any time after a claim for compensation under
this Article has been filed with the State Industrial Accident Commission
by any claimant, the said claimant and/or his or her dependents may, with
the approval of the State Industrial Accident Commission, enter into an
agreement with the employer or insurer of such employer providing for a
final compromise and settlement of any and all claims which the said em-
ployee or his or her dependents might then or thereafter have under the
provisions of this Article, upon such terms and conditions as the Commis-
sion shall, in its discretion, deem proper. Any such settlement when ap-
proved by the Commission shall be binding upon all parties thereto, and
no such settlement shall be effective unless approved by the Commission.

Cited in construing Sec. 66. Dashiell v. Candy Shops, 171 Md. 75.

This section referred to in construing sec. 66. Ireland v. Shipley, 165 Md. 99.

This section referred to in construing secs. 14, 31, et seq. Owners' Realty Co. v.
Bailey, 157 Md. 143.

Cited but not construed in Balto. Pub. Co. v. Hendricks, 156 Md. 80.

See notes to sec. 48.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 41. 1912, sec. 41. 1914, ch. 800, sec. 40.

53. Any person who shall knowingly secure or attempt to secure larger
compensation or compensation for a longer term than he is entitled to, or
knowingly secure or attempt to secure compensation when he is not entitled
to any, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall
be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars or imprisoned not exceeding
twelve months, or both, in the discretion of the Court, and shall from and
after such conviction, cease to receive any compensation.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 42. 1912, sec. 42. 1914, ch. 800, sec. 41.

54. Any employee entitled to receive compensation under this article is
required, if requested by the Commission to submit himself for medical
examination at a time and from time to time at a place reasonably con-
venient for the employee and as may be provided by the rules of the Com-
mission. If the employee refuse to submit to any such examination, or
obstructs the same, his right to compensation shall be suspended until such
examination has taken place, and no compensation shall be payable during
or for account of such period.

Failure to accept medical attention; when question not open on appeal. McCulloh
v. Restivo, 152 Md. 60. (Cf. dissenting opinion, page 69).

This section referred to in construing sec. 48. Cambridge Mfg. Co. v. Johnson, 160 Md.

Evidence of medical experts on whether claimant should have submitted to an opera-
tion. Claimant may not continue to receive compensation and at same time refuse
to submit to proper and reasonable medical or surgical treatment. Hernia. Prayers.
Schiller v. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., 137 Md. 236.

This and the two following sections referred to in construing sec. 66—see notes thereto.
Adleman v. Ocean Accident & G. Cor., 130 Md. 577.

See notes to sec. 80.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 43. 1912, sec. 43. 1914, ch. 800, sec. 42. 1920, ch. 456, sec. 43.

55. Should a further accident occur to an employee already receiv-
ing payment under this Article for a disability, or who has been previously


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 3689   View pdf image (33K)
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