3246 ARTICLE 89
such persons shall be a citizen of the United States and a resident of the
State of Maryland, not less than thirty years of age, shall have had not
less than five years' practical experience in the coal mining industry im-
mediately preceding his appointment, and shall be a man of integrity,
known intelligence and knowledge of his occupation. Such members shall
remain in office until upon like recommendation their successors or any
of them are appointed and qualified. Before entering upon their duties
each of the members of such Examining Board shall take and subscribe
the oath provided by the Constitution. Such Examining Board shall be
provided such office room, meeting space, equipment, stenographic and
other assistance, supplies and facilities as may be approved by the Gov-
ernor. Stenographic help and other employees of the Board shall be selected
in accordance with the rules of the State Employment Commissioner. Each
of such associate members shall be paid for each day of services rendered
as member, a salary of six dollars, together with necessary traveling ex-
penses, not exceeding two hundred dollars in any year for such expenses.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 37. 1922, ch. 307, sec. 36.
37. The Examining Board shall meet at such places as it may select,
convenient for applicants for examination, as soon as possible after their
appointment, and annually thereafter; and at need upon call of their chair-
man in special meetings for the purpose of preparing for or conducting
examinations, not more frequently than twice in any year; provided, that
such Examining Board may not sit for examination longer than four days
at any meeting. At least thirty days' notice of any meeting for examina-
tion shall be given by posters placed at each mine and local postoffice in
or contiguous to coal mining territory throughout the State.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 38. 1922, ch. 307, sec. 37.
38. The Examining Board shall have power to make necessary rules
and regulations, copies whereof shall be published and supplied to appli-
cants upon request.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 39. 1922, ch. 307, sec. 38.
39. Each applicant for a certificate of competency shall be required to
answer in writing at least ten questions designed to discover his knowledge
of mining theory, including ventilation, drainage and mining methods;
and of the mining laws of Maryland; and in examinations for first-class
mine foreman certificates and for fire boss certificates, as to his theoretical
knowledge of noxious and explosive gases found in coal mines. Such
applicant shall also be required to answer orally, if practicable during
a visit to a coal mine, and in examinations for first-class mine foreman
certificates and for fire boss certificates, in a gaseous coal mine, at least
ten questions upon practical mine problems 'designed to display his per-
ception, resourcefulness and practical judgment. The oral questions and
replies thereto shall be reduced to writing and become a part of the record
of such examination. The Examining Board shall grade applicants upon
a basis of one hundred points credited for perfect answers, allowing equal
weight for each qualification of theoretical knowledge, perception, resource-
fulness and judgment; and rejecting any applicant failing to receive 70
points upon all four qualifications combined. Each applicant shall be
notified the grade accorded him.