the Public Local Laws of Baltimore County, Edition of 1916, as said Sec-
tion 435 was amended by Chapter 89 of the Acts of 1918.
This section and Chs. 89 and 264, 1918, held valid. Cf. Dissenting Opinion. Racing
Comm. v. Jockey Club, 176 Md. 82.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 9. 1920, ch. 273, sec. 9.
9. Said Commission may in its discretion meet subsequent to the first
day of March and award dates for racing within the limits hereinbefore
provided on applications submitted to it, provided that the days so awarded
in no way conflict with the further provisions of this Article; and pro-
vided, further, that no license for a race meeting shall issue prior to the
payment of the fees therefor at the rate hereinbefore provided.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 10. 1920, ch. 273, sec. 10.
10. Upon the award of days to any applicant, and upon payment of
the license fees as hereinbefore prescribed, the Commission shall issue
a license for the holding of the meeting or meetings during the days
awarded to such applicant, and for which the license fees shall have been
paid, which said license shall be for all purposes in substitution for any
license now required by law and especially the license referred to in Sec-
tion 124B of Chapter 285 of the Acts of 1898, and all amendments thereto,
said Section being codified as Section 292 of Article 27, the Annotated
Code of Maryland, title, "Crimes and Punishments," sub-title, "Gam-
bling"; and said license shall be subject to all rights, regulations and
conditions from time to time prescribed by the Commission; and such
license shall be subject to suspension or revocation by the Commission for
any cause whatsoever which the Commission may, in its discretion, deem
sufficient. If any license is suspended or revoked, said Commission shall
state publicly its reasons for so doing, and cause an entry of such reasons
to be made on the minute book of the Commission, and its action shall be
final, provided, however, the propriety of such action shall be subject to
review, upon questions of law only, by the Circuit Court of the County,
within which such license was granted, or by the Baltimore City Court,
if such license shall have been granted in Baltimore City, the action of the
Commission to stand unless and until reversed by the Court.
Sec. 291 of art. 27 not repealed by this article. Nolan v. State, 157 Md. 332.
See art. 27, sec. 291, et seq., and notes.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 11. 1920, ch. 273, sec. 11.
11. Said Racing Commission shall have full power to prescribe rules,
regulations and conditions under which all horseraces shall be conducted
within the State of Maryland. Said Commission may make rules govern-
ing, restricting or regulating betting on such races and may fix or regulate
the rate of charge by the license for admission, or for the performance of
any service, or for the sale of any article on the premises of such licensee,
and may regulate the size of the purse, stake or reward to be offered for
the conduct of such races. All contracts and agreements for the payment
of money and all salaries, fees and compensation paid by any person or
persons, association or corporation licensed as hereinbefore provided, and
all proposed extensions, additions, or improvements to the buildings, sta-
bles, improvements or tracks upon property owned or leased by such licensee
shall be subject to the approval of the Commission. Said Commission
shall have power to compel the production of any and all books, memo-