1. Providing free system of.
17. Trustees of normal schools; jurisdic-
tion over.
Chapter 1. Control and Supervision.
18-19. Regulations for school census ;
2. State department of education; state
forms and blanks; accounts, records
board of education.
and reports.
3. County board of education.
4. District board of school trustees.
20. Approved colleges; standards.
21. Reports from private schools.
22. Investigation of educational needs
Chapter 2. Formation of Boards.
and means of improving conditions ;
expert assistance.
5. State board of education; appoint-
23. School budget; changes in appropria-
ment; term; removal; vacancies.
tion for special educational pur-
6. County boards of education; appoint-
poses, etc.
ment; term; removal; vacancies.
24. Annual report to Governor.
7. Board for Anne Arundel County.
25. Additional or amended legislation to
8. District boards of school trustees; ap-
be recommended; hearing by com-
pointment; term; removal; vacan-
cies; when duties devolve upon
26. Other duties of state board.
county board.
Chapter 3. State Board of Education.
Chapter 3A. State Superintendent of
9. Meetings.
10. Expenses to be paid. State superin-
27. Appointment; salary; qualifications;
tendent of schools.
removal; vacancy.
11-12. Duties; by-laws; institution of
28-29. General duties and powers of super-
legal proceedings.
13. Rules and regulations for school build-
30-33. Superintendent to pass on school
ings, etc.
sites, buildings, etc.; to certify
14. Regulations for grading and standard-
teachers ; courses of study ; ' addi-
izing schools; requirements for cer-
tional facilities for instruction in
tificates, diplomas and degrees.
certain subjects.
When school may be titled "High
34-38. General responsibility. Depart-
mental assistants; professional as-
15. Courses of study.
sistants; biennial school census;
16. Regulations; subjects and standards
physically handicapped children;
for certification of teachers and ac-
annual report of state board; other
ceptance of diplomas.
See art. 43 of Declaration of Rights and art. 8 of Md. Constitution.
The act of 1914, ch. 844, creates a commission to conduct a survey of the public
schools, normal schools, state-aided elementary and secondary schools and higher educa-
tional institutions of Maryland, etc.
The act of 1916, ch. 23, authorizes appointment of a commission to report upon the
practicability of providing for universal service, military education and training in public
schools, and of creating a military reserve.
The act of 1916, ch. 376, continues in existence educational survey commission created
by the act of 1914, ch. 844, empowers said commission to make such a survey and makes
an appropriation for expenses thereof.
Ch. 610, Acts of 1939, provides for a commission to conduct survey of the public
elementary and high schools and State Teachers' Colleges of the State.